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Lemon Blueberry Wheat Scones

I bought some blueberries the other day for healthy snacking at lunch time and though they were good, I just wasn't eating them fast enough. I decided it was time to sink them into some delicious baked goods...that'll get them moving out of my fridge faster, eh? I decided to give Annalise's interpretation of Tyler Florence's lemon blueberry scones a shot.

As is the ush with me, I made a couple little mistakes, but one was fortuitous: the accidental use of whole wheat flour! Just an eensy bit healthier, eh?

First, I zested a lemon and added that to a bowl of whole wheat flour, baking powder, sugar and salt and stirred until the dry elements were mixed. I also set the oven to preheat at 400.

I then added 5 tablespoons of cold butter with a pastry cutter. Hot tip: when they say to cut into cubes, just do it. I always get in a rush during that part and then end up with huuuuuuuuge pieces of butter. Mix until it's just coming together.

Next add, cream and/or a cream/plain yogurt mixture. I did the latter, and I'll admit I had to add more cream than suggested in the recipe because my dough was simply not coming together. Use your best judgment!

So, the directions said to place the dough on a greased surface, then cut it into a rectangle, then two thinner rectangles, then squares, then triangles. I didn't do any of that right, ha! I just cut it into triangles by any means necessary.

I brushed the scones with an egg wash of egg + cream, and popped them in the oven for 15 minutes.

And voila! They were perfect. The directions said to pop a mixture of lemon juice + confectioner's sugar + butter in the microwave for 30 seconds. Frankly, I think a mixture of the first two, without the butter and microwaving, would have worked even better. But alas.

It still made for a beautiful, delicious mess. (seriously, is that not a painting in the making?)

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