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Talisman: First Character Set Painted....


Talisman was / is one of my all time favorite games.  A mix of board game and role playing game, I found this to be perhaps the best of the Games Workshop systems.  That is just my opinion :) 

I bought the boxed set in the mid-late 80s and most of the expansions over time (Talisman Expansion, Talisman Adventure, Talisman Dungeon, Talisman Timescape, and Talisman City). 

Anyway, years ago, when purchasing a large estate of gaming material from a local gamer, I acquired many rare and wonderous things... including a number of Talisman miniatures.  Since then, every once in a while, I have managed to add a figure here and there.  I am still working on that.  My intention, obviously enough, was to paint a full set of miniatures for the game, except I never actually painted any of them (a frequent gamer problem, apparently).

That has changed.

Just finished the first set of 14 miniatures, plus a couple more.  Pictures are not great, my camera is failing faster than my eyesight, but hopefully the images convey my attempt to remain honest to the original art.

Here is a group shot of the 14 characters from the original boxed set....

In alphabetical order, here are the Assassin, Druid, Dwarf, Elf, and Ghoul (I have always had a soft spot for the Ghoul)....

Here are the Minstrel, Monk, Priest, Prophetess (my wife's favorite character in the game), and Sorceress....

And here are the Thief, Troll, Warrior, Wizard, AND the Toad!  Don't get turned into a Toad!

Now, I currently have some obligations for painting, including a bunch of 6mm Ancients, so I am not sure when I can get to the next Talisman set.  However, I did paint a couple of extras up, the Ranger from the Talisman Expansion, and the Astropath from the Talisman Timescape....

These were fun to paint, not always easy... the original art has certain colors repeated often, so it took a little effort to try and use slightly different shades here and there.  Overall, I think they turned out decent enough.  I will try to continue painting these (once I get some other projects completed)...I might use them for other games too.  The set, in full, really provides a broad range of miniatures to use as characters, or NPCs, in many gaming systems.  Just be sure to put them back into their Talisman storage when you are done.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you don't get the Horrible Black Void instead of the Crown of Command!


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