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Happy 2014!

Wow it's been awhile since last my last update, hasn't it? 

Really sorry about that but the holiday has got me becoming very lazy which all I did was catch up on sleep and watch a bunch of dramas and eat a lot of good food like a fattie, lol. I actually managed to get some blog work done too but I haven't got the chance to transfer pictures from my phone/camera to edit them and organize them into a blog post, I'll slowly get to it! ^^; Plus I have so much prep and study work to do for my new job too as I have forgotten about 70% of the stuff I learned during my 3 weeks of training and I will have to do some review work refresh my memory which is not as great as I am getting old. o(TヘTo)

Anyway since it's my first post for the new year of 2014, I shall start with sharing what some of my new year resolutions are. I think I did one last year too but I deleted the blog post soon after. But from what I remember one of the things I have listed on my new year resolution for 2013 was to be a happier person and to appreciate the small little things in life that makes me happy. I think I was able to accomplish both so here's hope that I can accomplish more for 2014! =)

New year resolutions for 2014:
  1. Exercise daily
  2. Get rid/fix boobs fat problem
  3. Take more self-portraits
  4. Take some outdoor outfit/photography pictures
  5. Make use of my Sony NEX camera more
  6. To continue to be happy and stay positive and appreciate all the small little things in life
I think I made take more self-portraits a goal for 2013 too but I never ended up doing it, lol! I just never had the time to do it because I was always busy with work or other things. Also because I don't wear makeup everyday (I only wear makeup occasionally and when I take outfit snaps) and sometimes when I'm done taking my outfit snaps (which can take up to 2-3 hours) it's time to remove all my makeup and do other things like cook dinner or clean the house. So if I want to be able to take some self-portraits and outfit snaps then it'd probably take me about 4-5 hours to do. It sucks that I'm not photogenic either so it'd usually take me about 50+ shots to get a nice or decent picture of myself. I'm also a perfectionist where I feel the need to take best quality picture with the perfect moment too and if it's not right then I'd keep doing it until I am satisfied with the results. And sadly I don't have 5 hours a day to devote to just taking pictures because I have other life obligation and duties to do. Perhaps it'd be much easier if I live on my own, which I hope I can probably move out to live on my own with a roommate by 2015 or 2016. I'm going to try to aim to take 1 self portrait shot a week or 2 a month. I don't know if I'll ever be able to make it happen as January will be quite a busy month at work for me and I don't even know what the next few months will be after but I'll see what 2014 has to offer me. =)

I also want to take some outdoor outfit/photography pictures too but it's hard to do it on my own as I'd need someone to be my photographer. I have a lot of ideas and concepts in mind that I want to shoot, but again I'm not sure if I can make it happen as it's not as easy to find someone to help me do the work. 

What are you new year resolutions?

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