Here's the original post on this polish, I'll probably write similar things as it's the same polish, but I wanted to do some kind of justice to this polish. Things were shaky in January, much better than previously. But I was still trying to find my feet photography-wise, but now my "swatching" is much better than before, in many ways.
By the way since it's Breast Cancer Awareness month I'm gonna try and incorporate pink into as many manicures as possible for the rest of the month. Not gonna be to bad as I love pink.
A nice orange-toned pink neon polish (actually I no longer what tone is what anymore). From when Nails Inc released those neons last summer-ish. Some of those polishes weren't properly neon, but this one is (over white). As you can imagine it's rather bright. As from last post I still want the full size but I'm resisting as I still have over half left in the 4ml bottle.
I just love the colour, now I have another pink neon which I love more (sorry Notting Hill Gate), I hope to do a post on that soon-ish or just use it again in general. But a reason why I won't buy this again is 1. I'm a controlled gal. 2. I don't use it all that often due to it needing a white base. 3.I know there are cheaper better alternatives (sorry Notting Hill Gate). Now I don't mind the white base thing but in nail art you'd rather use the polishes that don't need the white base no matter how much you love the colour.
2 coats over white (Barry M - Matt White), it dries semi-matte. The mini brush isn't the best thing ever but it's ok, easy to be messy though. It doesn't level out perfectly, as in the rims aren't as well covered and it's mildly streaky. Haha what do I care it's neon.
Thanks for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day!! :)
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