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Tori Spelling: his family is ruined, her husband can not have operation!


Tori Spelling has more money! So much so that his accountant advised him to postpone an operation that had to undergo her husband, Dean McDermott!

This is a crisis! Even Tori Spelling undergoes. Yet for a long time, the starlet of Beverly Hills 90210 and daughter Dad producer Aaron Spelling series, remained at the top. But Radar Online reveals that the blonde became a mother of four children, is mowed! His situation is so delicate that her husband Dean McDermott could not be operate a vasectomy.

Tori Spelling & Dean, who do not want to enlarge the family decided all this, but their manager wealth would have called to order, according to Radar Online! Their financial situation does not allow them to afford such an operation. Recall that Social Security does not exist in the United States!

According to Radar Online, unable to have surgery, is just one example among many that show that Tori Spelling and his family are on a slippery slope! The couple had to sell his lavish property in 2011 to rent a house in a popular area of Los Angeles.

A new series project

The cause of these money problems? First, surely a bad asset management. Tori Spelling would have inherited 800,000 dollars from his father. A sum surge in spending of all kinds. The starlet also suffer the failure of his series,Tori Spelling & Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood. In this regard, the actress said: "Our project was stopped, so we have to tighten our belts, like all people who have no fixed job." Another annoyance came piling debt: during her last pregnancy Tori Spelling has had many complications, who emptied his wallet

However, Tori Spelling hopes to get out soon, with a new series in 2014 . This would allow him to reconnect with the extravagant birthday parties for her children and a wonderful holiday, as it has already seen many!

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