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Another Casual Day!!

  So.. My outfit today was a really casual one, nothing special, no much colours, etc! I was once again going to Caffe Nero with my boyfriend for coffee :) ... Do you ever have those "weird" days, when you don't like anything and you just want to stay home..and then you don't want to stay at home? For me this day was today! After trying on different clothes (which I didn't like due to the day) I came up with this casual outfit which worked just fine for me!:) What do you think?

Planning to go out like this, but when I saw
the weather I quickly changed my mind:)
Ended up with this jacket:)

                                                       Hoodie: New Look - Now £9.99
Dress: H&M (old one)
Leather Jacket: Pull&Bear (old one)
Jacket: NewYorker.cz 
Shoes: Converse
Bag: Claires (old one)

Thanks for reading!
Stephanie xx

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