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Dark Star Part II- Games 3-5

Hey everyone,

BeeCee here once again to finish my recaps from my games at DarkStar. Where we last left our fearless hero (that's me if you didn't read the last update), I was 1-1 coming off a Mike Tyson-esqe beating at the hands of quadruple riptide Tau.

Next up I was facing Wes Szmaglik's beautifully painted multi-wing Dark Angels (Wes would take 3rd best painted army). The mission was called "The slaughter will never end" and it had a crazy special rule that any non-vehicle/non-hq unit that was destroyed would re-enter play at the end of your movement phase of the following turn. You could score up to three extra victory points by destroying a unit twice.
Here are Wes's beautiful Ravenwing Black Knights and his Deathwing terminators.

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